Savannah Web Design and Internet Marketing | United WebWorks

New Site Launched! Spanish Oaks Hospice

Written by Brian Chilcote | June 5, 2017

One hundred percent of us will need what Spanish Oaks offers- a place where dying is dignified and rendered a bit less scary. Or skilled responses to age-related dementia like Alzheimer's disease. Whether we receive the privilege of hospice services or not, everyone benefits from caring people whose main concern is that our last days are comfortable and meaningful.

Spanish Oaks is a local Savannah GA provider of Alzheimer's care and hospice services with a mission to bring individualized, compassionate care to patients at the end of life. Families and friends also benefit from Spanish Oaks'  expertise in an area we'd rather not think about. Spanish Oaks does think about it and they have made hospice a wonderful thing through a commitment to symptom control, emotional and spiritual support and guidance through the bereavement process.

United WebWorks was honored to be asked to craft a consolidated, redesigned website for both Spanish Oaks Memory Care and Spanish Oaks Hospice (two separate entities). Working closely with staff member Heather Ginner, we first ascertained what needed to be edited or added to streamline two separate sites into one hard working website that conveyed the passion and commitment of their operation.

On our list was making sure all the content was compliant with any legal requirements arising from the amalgamation of the two subsidiaries- Spanish Oaks Retreat and Spanish Oaks Hospice Services. In particular, their privacy policies and nondiscrimination articles needed to stay separate, but easily accessible to readers.

They were delighted to find out that we could indeed reduce some administrative burden on the staff by constructing and automating some of the forms they use, moving them to an online system. Less paper and less hassle!

Adding a translation feature was another big marketing advantage Heather wanted to add, so non-English speakers could find out what was available to them. Easy updates by in-house staff and thorough SEO (Search Engine Optimization) were the other major reasons to upgrade their site.

Heather says that one of the reasons they chose UWW was that we had a brick-and-mortar office, with actual people picking up the phone when they called. Their former website people were hard to contact and didn't offer the customer service they wanted.

The SEO was focused on making sure they were as "findable" as possible in the larger geographic area of southeastern Georgia. With two separate locations and a marketing territory that spans several counties far beyond Chatham county and Savannah, we needed to make sure to attract attention in each place. With two separate service offerings, it was a bit tricky to make it obvious to Google which one should appear in search returns in response to terms that might be typed in.

Their new site platform is much more flexible and easy to edit than their old one. No more paying for every little change they needed to make- it can now be done by their staff whenever they need it! We are supplying them with ongoing training and support so they become the experts at running their own website, keeping the streamlined, contemporary look.

And the new logo! That's another element that we helped them with. We think it's rather nice and they do too! The branding and color scheme was carefully integrated throughout the new site. While they don't use social media extensively, they do have accounts with Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube. There's so much potential now available to them to increase their visibility to the public, something they have started doing with virtual video "visits" to their facility.

Spanish Oaks Hospice / Memory Care presented us with some unique marketing challenges, and we are proud of the final result. We can do the same for just about any product or service that needs higher visibility online.