We have seen a dramatic shift in the way businesses are advertising their products and services in the last couple of years. In 2022, marketers are switching their budgets over to digital advertising instead of former offline advertising trends. So, what is causing advertisers to predict that digital advertising is the best way to gain new customers this year?
While we’re on the topic of video, the types of video, duration, and where they are placed on screen are all important aspects to consider when creating an advertising campaign. As videos like Instagram Reels and TikTok are continuing to gain popularity, it’s obvious that audiences are interested in shorter videos. The shorter the better. And if the content is able to explain a product, service, or idea in less time, customers are more likely to watch more of your content knowing it won’t take too much time away from their busy lives.
Overall, YouTube is the best platform for video advertising due to its continued success over several years now. Other video platforms in the past lost popularity as soon as another website or app surfaced, but nothing has been able to compete with YouTube. When creating any type of advertisement, you should always consider the platform you want it on and the placement to get the most out of your advertising efforts.
Due to the pandemic starting in 2020, social media users have increased and users who were already using these platforms started spending more time on them. Whether people are using it for entertainment, educational purposes, connecting with others, etc., using social media advertising is an extremely effective way to get your products or services known to the public.
Facebook and LinkedIn have proven to be the platforms that are being the most used and are expected to continue growing in users and time spent on the websites. LinkedIn is particularly great for B2B, or business to business, sales. According to statistics, an ad on LinkedIn can reach 14.6% of the world’s population and is targeted towards professionals 18 years and older.
Whether your business already has advertising experience or is brand new to the world of digital advertising, these are the trends that will be continuing to take off in 2022 and should be considered for the success of your company. If you’re not sure which type of digital advertising is right for your specific business, United WebWorks has the experience to help. Contact us today about any online marketing questions to see more growth in your company!