United WebWorks tips on time saving lead generation, Savannah GA
Ever feel like Jack London on the trail to the Klondike when you're digging for leads? It can sometimes feel like you're one of the thousands endlessly toiling up the Chilkoot pass, hoping to strike it rich with a pick and shovel. What you really needed was an exceptional dog like Buck in Call of the Wild.Dogs were the industrial robots of times past. Most of the breeds we see today started out with a specific purpose in the mind of the breeder. One's dog was a semi-intelligent minion that earned its keep by doing your bidding.
Need to pull a heavy sled through the Canadian wilderness? Get a husky. Have a rat problem? Jack Russell Terrier. Don't feel like trudging through cold swampy areas to find the duck you just shot? Labrador Retriever. Need help with your sheep? Border Collies are hard wired to herd.
Is Your Website Well Bred?
Just as you wouldn't ask a golden retriever to guard your valuables, Don't ask a run-of-the-mill website to do much for you. The most effective websites are not accidental, they are the result of careful "breeding" over time.
Over the years we've learned a great deal about how to select for website traits that save time and energy for their owners. One example is the inclusion of Calls-to-Action in a visitor's experience of your digital front door.
Lead generation can be difficult. Why not train your website to do some of it for you?
Another top-of-funnel timesaver the use of Social Media to raise public awareness of your brand. Sure it might start off slowly, but keep at it and it will pay off in leads later! An example of this is posting some of your best persuasion on LinkedIn. Write like the industry leader you are, give opinions, ask for comments, make predictions, analyze trends. Like the old adage says, "She who makes people stop and think is the one who gets more leads." (OK, we actually just made that up, but it could be an old adage someday!)
Mid-funnel leads are a bit easier, but still demand their share of your time. This is where some creative use of email can be just the thing. Email is not dead yet, and it can be highly automated. Once you set it up, notifications, workflows, data collection and follow-ups occur like magic.
This is where you sort the quality leads from the chaff, but you really don’t have to pay attention to all of them. Once you devise a way for visitors to identify themselves, you can rely on your digital "dogs" to spring into action. The right software transforms your laptop into a kind of border collie, corralling the best leads for prompt attention and the rest into nurture mode.
Automation's Got Your Back
We naturally gravitate toward the hotter leads, but there's still gold in them-thar lukewarm leads. Converting leads into customers is the fun part, but there also dozens of ways the internet can make it both fun and easy! Regularly scheduled touch points, offers, updates and coupons keep your business ahead of the competition who may not be doing anything between sales.
Automate ordering, or registration, or data entry. Then you can simply call and thank your new customer instead of laboring through hand written forms and your own data entry, fraught with typos and mistakes.
Put your manuals, demo videos, warranties, contract summaries, user guides online! You still have the option to use these as touch points, but you don't have to. An email or IM with a link saves you and your customer time.
Much of your customer service should be done in person. A friendly voice answering questions can make or break the next sale, but are there some aspects of CS that you can automate? There probably are! These days phones can collect detailed data more effectively as voice recognition becomes more robust.
Now- what will you do with all that extra time? Maybe you can finally get that puppy you always wanted.
When it comes to managing leads, sometimes it feels harder than trying to teach your cat to bark at strangers. We've got help for you. Click below to get your free Inbound Marketing Kit from United WebWorks
Also, check out last week's blog on Inbound and Outbound Marketing, then find out more about lead generation Savannah GA and much more!