Are You Camera Ready? | Video Marketing for Your Brand

We’re suckers for The Latest Trend, aren’t we?

Are You Camera Ready? | Video Marketing for Your BrandIf you didn’t have a “Baby on Board” caution sign in your car window, you probably had a MySpace profile, could be seen performing the “Running Man” dance maneuver or participated in an ice bucket challenge. Fads come and go about as rapidly as snow in the desert.

One of the hottest trends on business websites is video marketing. Predictions anticipate that it will continue to be the fastest-growing feature on mobile and desktop computers for at least the next three years. The percentage global consumer internet traffic that is video-related will grow, estimates a Cisco white paper, from 70 percent in 2015 to 82 percent by 2020.

The thing is, it might not be a hot trend at all. Videos on business websites look like they’re going to become a permanent feature of the online landscape, like blue jeans or air conditioning in your car.

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Topics: Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Video Marketing

Search Engine Optimization and your FAQ page

We know refined sugar is bad for us...

So is drinking too much.

And nicotine intake.

And texting while walking.

And featuring conventional FAQ pages on our websites?

Yes, as useful as it might seem, your FAQ page is not helping your rise to the top of search engine rankings. And it might not be a helpful to your website visitors, either.

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Topics: Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing

Organic Search Engine Optimization Strategy - How to Get it Right


Let's talk about getting things right. What's your margin for error? If you're making pancakes and you don't get the mix right - no problem. Add a little water or a little powder from the box and you're good to go. But what if your task is to manage a profitable bottom line for your business?

How you optimize your website for search engines could mean the difference between a very Merry Christmas or not meeting payroll. It's hard to ruin pancakes, but it's easy to mess up a business.

This is one thing every company should know. It's common sense…or is it?

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Topics: Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing

Content Marketing Ideas You Never Knew About

What you don't know can cost you, and when you're running a business or managing its marketing budget, you can't afford to pay for costly mistakes.

That's why we're here! We want to spread our knowledge of content marketing in Savannah, GA (it's kind of what we do!) to help you avoid unforeseen catastrophes. Let's talk about your digital marketing knowledge...

Content Marketing Institute (CMI) conducted a detailed survey in 2015 which collected information from more than 5,000 marketers around the world. Of the 1,820 North American B2B marketers, 1,572 affirmed their use of content marketing. That in itself should make readers take note.

Think you might be able to predict some of what the survey found?

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Topics: Content Marketing

The Importance of Quality in Blog Posts

Ye have heard that it was said,

Thou shalt use keywords 3-5 times in thy text, and

Thou shalt create Metadata that are acceptable to the Search Engine

But Google says unto you,

 Unless ye write blogs with quality, ye do it in vain.


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Topics: Content Marketing, blogging