Wine Drinkers Get Better Search Ranking


If all you had to do to increase your search ranking was sit down and enjoy a glass of wine do you think you would be up to task? Don't like wine? No worries, because beer works just as well.   

Let's run over a little background first.  Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is not nearly as complicated a concept as industry experts want you to believe.  Sure there are weird phrases like "meta tags" and "page authority" thrown around that have made you want to drink already but don't let all the geek speak concern you.  Most of what you need to know about, and for goodness sake make sure any SEO vendor you hire knows about, is common sense.  I promise.

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Topics: Search Engine Optimization, Inbound Marketing

Planning for Website Design Perfection

BusinessMan_paperWhether you are thinking about your very first website or you are looking to have your current one redone, proper website design planning pays big.

Set Your Website Goals:  

Why do you want the new website?  For most folks it is to bring in more sales, make more money.  Try to be a little more specific though.  Remember a good website is a powerful, proactive business advertising and marketing tool.  Consider what your business goals are.  Even if you just want to "make more money", how do you want to accomplish that.  Do you want to sell more of the products that have a higher profit margin and require less support?  Do you want more of your revenue to come from retainer based, recurring professional services?  Forget hits, clicks, page views, impressions and other metrics. They may give you some insight but the ability of your website to forward these goals is ultimately how real success should be measured.  

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Topics: Search Engine Optimization

Savannah Web Design, Mobile Best Practice

Savannah GA may not be the biggest city in the U.S. but it doesn't mean it lacks web design talent.  While lots of website design companies are promoting mobile websites, a few Savannah web design firms are providing their clients with responsive design sites that automatically reformat themselves to fit the device they are being viewed on.  

At first blush this does not seem like such an incredibly important design feature.  After all most websites look ok on a variety of monitors and laptop screens.  That same monitor/laptop appearance looks ok on a tablet too.   Why not just have a nice look for these devices and another for a mobile phone?   

A few years ago you might have had a point, except even back then a phone turned sideways has a much different width than one held straight.  Same goes for tablets.  These days, however, tablets displays range in size from 7 inches to 13 inches and mobile phones have a substantive swing in available sizes too.  Flip those sideways and display size options double. 

While this infographic does not begin to address ALL of the permutations in size we have today, it does demonstrate the value of responsive design.


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How Much Should I Pay For Web Design?

BusinessMan confused

There is so much information out there about web design or website building and almost as many attractive offers.  The offers come in a variety of flavors but basically fall into one of several categories each with their pros and cons.  Before we can get into all that that though let's take a moment to remember the most important point of all, why you are paying for web design in the first place.  You don't really want a website, you want more revenue.

I repeat this revenue point a lot not just because it is the most important premise but because it is the most overlooked item at every stage of website decision making.  Choosing a website designer or service based on price alone disregards the premise. Choosing a web design company based on some designs you like disregards the premise. At every stage of any website development process we must remember that you DON'T want a website (you knew I would say it again right?)  You want leads, sales, donations, whatever.  OK so how do we get there and which solution is your best fit?

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Planning To Build Your Own Website?

Every business or organization needs a website right?  Well sure, but why?  No one really wants a website for their organization, they want what they hope the website will deliver, more customers, more donations or more of something else. These organizational objectives are what really matter and are sadly most often overlooked by amateurs AND PROFESSIONALS when creating a site. So what can you do to achieve success?

Start with the end in mind.  What TYPES of people would you like to visit your site and what would you like each of them to DO when they get there?   How will you get them to do it?

For example, a magazine publisher has 2 main types of people that provide revenue, subscribers and advertisers.  When a potential subscriber visits the site, we want them to pay for a subscription.  An advertising prospect, however, is not likely to pay without speaking with a sales representative first.  The website needs to create enough interest for them to fill out a free quote form or call the company to speak with someone.

So how do we get a web visitor to take action?  There are a variety of techniques for doing this but almost categorically we need to do 2 things, provide a compelling reason for them to take action along with some sense of urgency, AND, build trust so they know they won’t be disappointed.  Do you know how to do all this?

Building a successful website, one that turns visitors into customers, requires know-how in a minimum of several disciplines:

  • Graphic Design/Layout -  Knowing which colors sell more than others, where the eye goes to look for action steps, and how to make those actions stand out
  • Web Development - Turning the design into something that functions as a website
  • Copy Editing - Knowing how to speak to your audience’s pain points and desires to convince them to take the action you want

If you cannot do all of these things the likelihood of your website bringing you the RESULTS you want is slim.

At United WebWorks, your full service Savannah Website Design Company, we have employees skilled in each of these areas guaranteeing your project is a success.
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