Website Marketing- how prepared are you?

BeFunky-photoPierre loved riding his bicycle. Almost every weekday he could be seen pedaling down the streets of his suburban Paris village en route to work and home again. On weekends he'd take longer rides into the countryside, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. Imagine his delight when it was advertised that a bicycle race was coming to his little town! He filled out an entrance form immediately.

In the weeks leading up to the race, Pierre practiced. He rode as fast and hard as he could. He made sure his bicycle was ready. He watched videos, ate right and told all his friends about it. Then the big day arrived.

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Topics: Website Marketing

Get a Business Website that Google Loves

google search


Google a phrase like this one:

"How does Google rank pages?"

...and in less than one second, it gives you a list of ten links you can click on to learn more. That's ten possibilities out of 273 million. How does Google decide what makes the front page what doesn't?

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Topics: Internet Marketing

Website Upgrade: Safe Food Handlers Corporation

This website just may save your life someday

How? By making it easy for food service personnel to register for and pass classes on how to handle your food safely. Food safety courses play a vital role in preventing illness from contamination, spoilage, pests, chemicals and other food-related public health hazards. In other words, this kind of training benefits all of us!

Safe Food Handlers Corporation has a new website that meets that shared goal: providing a simple way for workers and volunteers in restaurants, hospitals, schools- any place that serves food to the public- to meet state and local regulations regarding food safety by registering for one of their training classes.

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Topics: Website Design

6 Quick Tips for Social Media Engagement

Social Media is a great digital marketing tool, so why don't we make it bring us customers?! Are you ready to engage with your prospects to convert them into leads? Follow this list of tips for better Social Media Engagement:

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Seven Marketing tasks you can do in an hour or less

pexels-photo-260637It's Friday afternoon- you've got one hour with nothing scheduled. You can…

  • Take another round trip to the coffee machine, bathroom, conference room and a quick lap around the parking lot
  • Grab a short nap
  • Call your mother and catch up on all the hometown gossip
  • Decorate your office for the next holiday

Or you can invest that valuable 60 minutes in growing your business by taking on a quick marketing task! Of course, we always recommend a fully orchestrated, fine tuned and goal driven marketing plan, but something small is always better than nothing!

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Topics: Internet Marketing, Marketing