SEO Secrets That Online Marketing Companies Won't Tell You

organic search engine optimization, or this!There are few thrills greater than seeing your business at the very top of the Google search returns. How can you escape the desolation of second page search results? You know that if a searcher has to scroll down past the "fold," you are effectively lost among the other "2,034,516 results". If you've got an online presence for your business, gaining that top spot could mean the difference between Easy Street and No Man's Land.  As they say, the road to business failure is paved with un-optimized content.

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Topics: Search Engine Optimization, Inbound Marketing

Website Development Words to Know, Part 2

In which the United WebWorks blogging staff explore a list of jargon words we couldn't fit into the last entry.


website development dictionaryDefining words can be a befuddling exercise. Before making the jump, see if you can guess the English word the highest number of distinct definitions, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. Click on "More" to see the answer, and then read up on the common everyday jargon you'll hear from your website producer.


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Topics: Inbound Marketing

Beware the Chimp! | Internet Marketing and Teamwork

The Pros and Cons of Hiring Chimps

If you've ever bemoaned the idea that your business was being run by a bunch of chimps, consider this: recent studies have shown that chimps possess superior short term memory (check out the video below at the 4:00 mark) than humans and quite possibly have a better sense of strategic planning than us.Kyoto University's Primate Research Institute set up a test for measuring competitive success. 6 chimps were given a head-to-head competitive game to play with food as the reward. Then the same game was then played by 16 students who received money for winning.
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Topics: Inbound Marketing

Is your physical store being killed by online shopping?

Don't go down with the ship!

Dear Diary,

It has been a year now since my retail business died.

Looking back, I realize I did see the warning signs, that my store was falling ill, but it was so gradual, so… insidious! First it was a slow downturn in my holiday sales over several years. Then a slight reduction in foot traffic. I spent a little more on marketing, advertising, coupons, all the usual stuff to try to turn it around.

I was in heavy denial. I just didn't want to face the reality that my little commercial empire could dry up after so many successful years. I kept thinking that trends would reverse, that this Christmas would be better than last…

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Topics: Inbound Marketing

Let There Be SITE! Website renovation for Boland Eye Center

Describe your favorite song without humming it.

Tell me everything about your favorite dessert!

What was it like to ride that rollercoaster?

While verbal or written descriptions are better than nothing, but we can't really know a song, a dessert or a rollercoaster unless we hear it, eat it or ride it!

Boland Eye Center of Savannah, GA wanted more out of their website. The old static site no longer served their business plan and though it was better than nothing, it was far from what was potentially possible. The old site wasn't up to the challenge of helping customers experience an invitation to superior eye care at their Savannah location. It ws time for a United WebWorks Website Renovation.

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Topics: Website Audit, Inbound Marketing